Things haven't been too crazy lately. Just really enjoying Ava walking more, going out to Darien Lake and riding the merry-go-round with her and taking her out on adventures. She has been spitting up the last couple of days and we really don't know why. But she does weigh 13.05 kg. She has gained a decent amount. I did call GI with hopes that we can go down in food and possibly need to go up in meds with her weight increase. I haven't heard back yet.

Tuesday we go to Lung Center and we are praying that the trach can come out soon after. With Ava being sick and not needing the vent, there really is no need for a trach. What a relief that would be for her not to have something in her throat and tied around her neck. Maybe she would eat better?!
These are two photos of Ava playing with some friends... Once of the first times she's been able to play with kids in our house. <3 br="br">3>
Thanking God for our fun with Ava and praying for the trach to come out and for her to eat...
Had SO much fun seeing her yesterday! She's growing like a weed! I love how she says hi to everyone, she's a miracle!