We had a great week and weekend with Ava. The weather has been incredible and Ava has loved every minute of it. She has done great this week being off the vent 10 hours a day. I am hoping tomorrow that they will allow us to start naps, but the RT said that doesn't happen that quickly. We know that Ava is ready. We are still working out how to give her nebulizers and puffers without the vent. Buffalo Oxygen does not have any easy answer for some reason.
Ava got her last Synagis shots for RSV last week as well. Hopefully we can get the shots again next year. She is getting her IVIG on Wednesday and we are going to ENT on Thursday. Next week we go to Cardiology, the week after Immunology, and after that is Opthamology . Quite a few weeks of appointments but it's either her three months, 6 months or annual. Love saying ANNUAL appointment. That's for her eyes - it's so unbelievable that she was so close to having eye surgery and now she only has to see the eye doctor annually. Hopefully he will say that she no longer needs to see him. We are so blessed! Ava shows us every day how smart she is. Some nurses that have seen other 24 week babies can't believe how incredibly smart Ava is and how well she can communicate.
Thanking God for blessing our family and praying for Ava to be able to come off the vent during nap times...
I have a trach and I put the inhaler to my trach. Buffalo O2 seems to have no clue. I just got them. So glad to hear the progress Ava is making. I knew once she started weaning she would go fast, the same thing happened for me. Good job Ann!