Today was Ava's 3rd Birthday and we are on our way home from being in Florida for a week. All four of us girls went while Daddy was working. He got to have a little fun with us on the weekend before his birthday. ;) It was such a blessing and Ava had a great time. We managed to keep Ava healthy, while the rest of us got sick. She wore a mask on the plane the whole time like such a pro. We also forgot her feed pump and only had a 10ml syringe. She is supposed to get 600ml's of Pediasure throughout the day. The first day I got in 400 mls in her, but then after some discussion we thought maybe this was a blessing in disguise. She was hungry more. I did have her drink some Pediasure throughout the week. One morning alone she ate bacon, sausage and some eggs. She also drank milk as well. It seems as
We are so blessed to have 3 years with Ava. It was such a joy to take her to the beach and swimming. She kept saying "beach". Swimming can be difficult with the trach hole still being opened and the "waterproof" bandage not really being waterproof. Ava loves to swim though and loves to jump in. If I would let her she would jump in all by herself. We have a tentative scheduled surgery date for her trach hole to be closed on May 6th.
Last week before we left we received the approval to stop giving Ava Prevacid. She has been on this med practically since she was born and she
Please keep us in your prayers for Ava to gain weight and eat so we can get the feeding tube out this summer. Also pray for a successful painless surgery in the spring and to stay healthy.
Thanking God for 3 years of Ava and praying for many more...