Most of the people we used to see at Stone's Buddies haven't seen Ava in a year or so. One family hasn't seen Ava since she was on the vent round the clock. There is a certain sadness too. While Ava has gone through an incredibly recovery, most of these families have not. I am sure it was hard to
So many friends that we have met with Ava have recently gotten RSV. Even a 5 year old that came off of the ventilator the same time Ava did this past year. Please keep that little girl in your prayers, she's back on her ventilator (she does still have her trach thankfully). Also keep us in your prayers that we are protected from illness. It's unbelievable how that virus can affect kiddos that are that old. Heaven forbid Ava would have to be on the ventilator again; this year or the next few.
Thanking God for family fun and praying for protection...
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