Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Day 1133 - Pediatrician

Today I spoke with Ava's Pediatrician and gave him more up-to-date information on how much Ava is eating. We are also keeping a five day feeding journal which is extremely hard to keep when you have no idea how much she is exactly eating or drinking. We will send to GI for the nutritionist to review and calculate how much she is eating. But I can tell you that Ava eats more than any 3 year old I have seen. We also don't want to keep giving Ava so much "bad" food like ice cream and milk shakes all the time. If we did that constantly we could possibly end of with a child that has weight problems and thinks that is what people should eat. Ava is super smart and she learns so much every day. It's more important for her to love fruit and veggies than junk food that is high in calories. Doesn't healthy food grow lung tissue?

Ava's pediatrician has been fine with her weight and height progress at her January appointment but we are going to make another appointment for him to get another look at her. We will also go to GI probably in May or June.

Thanking God for Ava's ability to eat and praying for her to be healthy...

1 comment:

  1. I just started reading the book, "Child of Mine: Feeding with Love and Good Sense" by Ellyn Satter. I highly recommend it. It addresses your concern "we could possibly end of with a child that has weight problems and thinks that is what people should eat".
