Today we went to Lung Center. We figured they would probably go down in her vent settings to a peak of 23. It is such a great time to go in there. We were there just a month ago and Ava is already doing more things like standing and her volumes on the ventilator and incredible. If they continue to be high, they will have to go down some more! In two to three weeks, depending on how she is doing (no colds) we will go down on her peak to 21. We will go back to see them in two months. The doc even said that "one of these days, we'll need to go down on her peep" which is how the bronchial malasia (lung disease) makes her lungs collapse. Adults are around a peep of 5 to keep our lungs open (depending on the person) so they just don't collapse shut and not open when you take a breath. If you recall, hers was also "floppy". The doc said that she will probably not be off of the vent by the time she is 2, which is only in January anyways (and our next appointment is in December), but that if everything continues to go well, we should probably see her off of the vent by the time she is 3!!!!!!! This is news that we have been waiting 621 days to hear! What a gift and a blessing! God is erasing the doubt that Ava will never be off a ventilator. The docs only other concern was her heart and I told him how happy our cardiologist was with her heart.
So, we should probably start saving for Ava's big party when she is off the ventilator and trach. Oh that happy day that will be...
Ava weighs 12 kg again = 26.46 pounds, length - 31.5" = 80 cm, head circumference - 45.5 cm.
Thanking God for good news and praying for protection from sickness for our entire family...