Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Day 635

Ava had a wonderful day today. She is back to vocalizing and sticking out her tongue. I got her to sign "luv mama" and she signs for daddy too. She stood for 9 minutes total today. She has a little help but she's using her legs. We have to sing quite a few songs to get her to stand that long. Ava loves "wheels on the bus". She is constantly moving her arms for us to sing it to her. It seems as if the Prevacid was Ava's problem because she is having no problems with gagging now.

On the 31st, we will be going to Endocrine and they will test her to see how she is doing without steroids. We are also going to see a Kinesiologist to see how our water and the food she eats is being handled in her body. We will also see if there is a certain type of food that she will like and handle better than others.

I haven't been feeling too well lately and quite down. Don't know what's wrong physically besides being very tired and having some congestion and a minor cough. Hopefully Ava doesn't get it. I am behind blogging so I will try and catch up. We were supposed to have a family friend come and take photos for us for Christmas, but I didn't feel good enough on Sunday for her to come. Pray that we have some nicer weather again (and Sunday was so beautiful).

Thanking God for Ava's strength and praying for strength and for Ava to be off the vent...

1 comment:

  1. SO good to hear new and good things. I can't imagine how a year from now will look for you all. Praying YOU feel better soon. With love, Krista ;-)
