We had a crazy day, but it was great. Ava is all over the place and being we had no nurse today, it's interesting to be with all three kids and make dinner and open presents (which involve downloading software from the computer). I am certainly not complaining though. I read over last year's Christmas post and how much I ached for Ava to be home.There has been a transference of stress for the care of Ava from the hospital to us and thankfully her need for care has diminished significantly. It still is a struggle but a happy one. She still needs prayers though. Please pray for Ava to be off the ventilator, her lungs to grow and for her to eat.
By the end of the day, I think Ava got into the whole unwrapping presents. Or she just goes along with her crazy family. She got a baby doll and she actually hugs and treats it just like we treat her. She signs baby doll and she even signed that the baby eats. Hopefully this will help with her feeding by mimicking eating with her doll.
She ate some pudding this morning with no gagging, but had one small spit up incident. I was behind in her feeding by 30 minutes so if we were to feed her at our Christmas dinner, we would get some gagging and spit up. So she just sat there and showed off for Grandma and Grandpa. I am trying to get her to sign "Grandma" & "Grandpa", but she actually signs "love" and looks at them. ;) Aw, my sweet baby.
Ava weighs 11.8 kg = 26.01 pounds. She's back up to 26 pounds and this time with the Pediasure! Go Ava!
We got the kid cart on Friday so this was a great Christmas present. We will hopefully be able to carry Ava around much easier. Hm... Maybe we can go on a test run tomorrow?
From our Family to yours... Merry CHRISTmas! Thank you for your continued support and for reading Ava's blog.
Thanking God for our family being together and praying that we have many more special days together...
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