Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Day 311

Ava's gas was 28 today. REALLY Great! It must change based on how the nurse gets it. She got her second shot of Synagis for RSV last night. She slept all night from 8pm until change of shift. Unfortunately, due to our horrible weather tonight I didn't get to go in and see Ava's smile. We are missing her like crazy. Tony was gone for two days, so he has missed her for 3 days.

Ava weighs 5.66 kg =  12.48 pounds. Last time was 5.6 kg. So she gained a bit of weight.

Thanking God for Ava's great gasses and strength and praying for Ava's left lung to grow stronger...

1 comment:

  1. praying for you and the family. love reading the blog, your daughter and family are amazing. Thank you for sharing.
    -amber. w
