Saturday, December 25, 2010

Day 335 - Christmas

Ava had a rough night last night. She had to get her trach changed from an uncuffed trach to a cuffed trach with .5 in it. She kept alarming the vent and also her O2 saturations went down to high 70s - low 80s. She did fine once that was changed. So she will probably have to go home on a cuffed trach. She is on 30% O2.

Today overall was a good day, but I did break down in tears a couple of times because Ava wasn't home with us. I never thought I would be feeling this way, and I don't cry about Ava very often, but today completely moved me to tears missing her so badly. I cried when I was talking to her nurse, I cried afterward, I cried when we got home tonight from seeing her and I am crying now. I have never ached for something so badly my entire life more than I have ached for Ava. Alexandra even asked our night nurse tonight if we could take Ava home and when she could come home. The kids want so desperately to bring their sister home. They are taking it well, but it breaks my heart. Overall, I am so grateful to God that Ava is here. A year ago, we were told Ava's amniotic fluid went up, but as you know, it did go down a week later. It's unbelievable that a year has past and what has transpired within that year.

Thank you to everyone for your cards and well wishes and to our favorite nurses for Ava's gifts and for the generosity of some wonderful people. May God bless you and I can't wait till the day we can pay it forward.

Thanking God for Ava's life and praying that Ava can live without a trach AND vent and we never need to be at the hospital again on Christmas...

1 comment:

  1. It will happen ann.I just know it.She may have to come home with lots of bells and whistles but as she grows there will be less and less.Her lungs will grow and she will continue to grow.This little girl was put on this earth for a reason.We do not know it now but OUR GOD does.You must continue to trust in His Love and Guidance.He will show you the way.Its ok to cry and it being 11 months just got to you. I understand.Its so hard and sometimes people just dont understand.It will all happen.Hugs and kisses to all of you, nancy b
