Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Day 325

Ava was a bit agitated this morning. When I came in she was sleeping and I instantly noticed that she looked pale and looked very tired. After she woke up she would smile at me. Then I held her and she fell asleep but I could tell she didn't feel well. She got agitated when she woke up suddenly so I put her back in bed and the nurse couldn't hear any air moving in her right lung. So they gave her a treatment. Her heart rate and respiratory rate was high. The volumes of air she was breathing was also low. She only had .5 of sterile water in her cuffed trach so they went up to 1 and it didn't change anything. After that she got upset and we had to bag her with O2 and after putting saline into her lungs and suctioning her 3 times, she finally sounded better. Her lungs absorbed two viles of the saline and we couldn't even suction anything out. She took a nap and she was a bit better but her respiratory rate would be in the 50s one minute and the next it would be in the 30s. She definitely doesn't feel good. My theory is she is sick but her body is handling it better than before. She fell asleep around 7:30 pm.

Thanking God for Ava's strength and praying for her lungs and body to grow more...

1 comment:

  1. Praying for your little angel to feel better soon.
