Ava is no longer on O2 anymore. It definitely seems to have been her tummy. Her IVIG went well yesterday but we did find out that Ava's digestion is slow. It's only at 25% when it should be 50% or more. So that is the reason for all the problems with gastric juices. They are going to put us on a med to help it go faster. The med may cause some cramping and loose stools but hopefully that should go away. In 3 months we will go back for another gastric emptying study and see how the rate is then. We will also be getting a new GJ in Rochester since Buffalo hasn't been concerned about changing it in 8 months. Syracuse recommends doing it every 3. Our GI doctor doesn't think the J portion of it isn't blocking her to empty her tummy. She also didn't aspirate or reflux which is really good news.
Thanking God for Ava getting over this and praying that her tummy situation is fixed and becomes normal...
That is gret news about Ava and her 02. We will just continue to pray for Ava. As you know God does listen. He's not going to leave you now. He loves the little children...- Nancy R. :-)