Monday, February 20, 2012

Day 751

We got the test results from Friday and Ava has RSV. Human respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a virus that causes respiratory tract infections. It is the major cause of lower respiratory tract infections and hospital visits during infancy and childhood. A prophylactic medication (not a vaccine) exists for preterm birth (under 35 weeks gestation) infants and infants with a congenital heart defect (CHD) or bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD). Treatment is limited to supportive care, including oxygen therapy. So with that note, she has been on oxygen since last Monday. She also gets 2 Synagis shots a month to reduce the chances of that. We also pretty much don't go anywhere. Ariana must have gotten it first and then Ali but Anthony and I and the nurses haven't gotten it. The only place we go to is to our co-ops gym and swim and to Target or grocery store. It's very easy to catch and in older kids and adults it seems like a runny nose or cold. Don't know how we can possibly stay away any more than we already do. It's a good sign that if she has something as bad as RSV where kids go to the hospital, that she can handle it without much extra help.

Ava was off O2 until 4 pm today but she started satting lower 90s. I put her back on and she's been higher ever since. Her heart rate is back to normal. It definitely makes me nervous because we don't want her to go to the hospital and possibly get something else. Please pray that she gets back to normal asap. We go to Lung Center next Tuesday and it would be great to get back to weaning off the vent.

Thanking God for Ava life and praying for strength in both Ava and our family to get her over this illness..

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