Ava's gas was 69 this morning. They also found another bug in her PIC line and are putting antibiotics in it and letting it sit for 12 hours. Then the pull the antibiotics out and put some new back in to stop it from getting into Ava's blood. They don't think she is sick because she seems to be happy, but what I am curious now is that with her blood gasses being higher than normal, when they were pretty good for a couple of days, and she was a bit crabby, maybe it wasn't because her "lungs are so bad" or that she is withdrawing from the sedative. Maybe she is fighting this infection and she's winning, but her gasses have a been a bit high and she was a little cranky from not feeling well. I am going to make a point to discuss that again tomorrow as well as pulling the PIC line. We have to authorize it to go in, so why can't we tell them to take it out? It's not helping her...
Tonight she will be weighed again and hopefully there is strong growth. I did have so much fun with her today and we worked on her "tummy time". She was on her tummy for at least 10 minutes and she even lifted her head up. It was awesome! My baby was acting just like a normal, every day, veggie eating baby!
Praying for Ava to be strong and be infection-free...
Wow Ann I was so happy to see her acting like any other baby!! So cute I hope you can rid of that nasty pic line that seems to hurt not help her. GO Ava GO Ava!!!!God Bless!
ReplyDeleteThat was awesome. She looks great !!!!!! Loved the movie..... Nancy R.