Thursday, October 21, 2010

Day 270 - 95 days until Ava's 1st Birthday

Ava's gasses have been all over the place. 90s, 80s, 70s in the early am. Then they went back up to the 90s. Finally this evening she is coming back around. They got a gas of 82 at 12pm, 64 at 4pm, and then 55 at 8pm (they went down in her amplitude to 60), 60 at 9pm (they went down on the amount of jiggle that is shaking her on the oscillator). She is still completely sedated and paralyzed. She has start wiggling a bit and they give her some more sedation for her to stop.

This is completely awful but I know she isn't going anywhere. We will never give up hope. Matthew 17:20. I'm telling her lungs to grow.

Praying for Ava to fight this and never be sick again...


  1. Ann, I just read your post, and know you are not alone, and that many, many people care about Ava.... I am sending tons and tons of prayers to God for her and for YOU and TONY. Remember All things are Possible with God....God Bless..... :-),,,,,Nancy R.

  2. ann, I am praying so hard for your little girl to never have to endure any more of this pain.I will continue including her in our prayers at church.God Bless nancy B

  3. Praying with you Ann,...God has brought her this far, He will take her all the way...
    love, meagan
