Ava had a good night she had a couple gas pains and was up from 4am - 7am. The nurse gave her gripe water and mylicon and that seemed to help. Ava was also teething as well. I received some "Farrell" bags today to drain her gastric juices and let the air out of her tummy. Unfortunately, they didn't seem to work because the length of the tubing was very long and thin and Ava started having gas pains again. After rigging up something else to attach to the tubing and it leaking, I actually got a working bag that made her gastric juices and gas flow into the bag. It could be drained out and Ava had no problems. I have now invented the "Hackett" bag (the original bag is named after a GI doctor).
Today was a great day and we met with SKIP (Ava's service coordinators) and got that taken care of. She was happy all day and I had her sitting up for a bit too. I saw her clap her hands together. I even heard her talk a little tonight. She would not go to sleep again and was up partying and talking. Ava kept smiling at me and her sisters and laughing. Oh how we love having her home. I forgot to weigh her but we will this weekend.
Thanking God for Ava's adventures and praying for more ways to improve Ava's care...
Yeah !!!!!!! - Answered prayers!!!!!! - Nancy R