Saturday, May 14, 2011

Day 474

Ava had an ok night. She was kind of fussy and her disconnect alarm kept going off. The nurse didn't know that it meant there was water in the circuit. We changed the circuit but I guess it happened a couple of times this afternoon. Ava even stooled three times today while we were gone. Where were you, you ask? We got to take our two ladies to Fantasy Island in Grand Island with Stone's Buddies and ride on some rides and take them to lunch. It was a wonderful time. We didn't get back until 6:30 tonight and we came right in and gave Ava and the girls baths. We also stopped at our house in Buffalo and are going to be putting it on the market because our tenants (upper) are going to be moving out the end of the month. It is too much to deal with but please pray that we can either sell it or find some good tenants in the meantime. It was such a blessing for a time and I guess it's time to move on. At least I think that is what God is telling us to do.

Ava is now asleep but she was so happy most of the day and I guess she was talking quite a bit. What a blessing! Can't wait to hear her giggle!

Thanking God for this wonderful day to have Ava home and be able to go out and enjoy the day AND praying for more family time especially with Ava too...

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