Saturday, May 21, 2011

Day 481

Ava had a pretty good night with maybe a little fussiness. She really had a great day and only gagged a couple of times. I feed her twice today and she did really great. Gagged a little but she didn't really mind. We had a wonderful day outside because of the gorgeous weather and had our first picnic outside. The nurse was here until 6 pm, so I was able to eat outside with everyone including my parents. Tonight was even better because Ava was talking and responding to Anthony talking to her. I will put the video up that I caught, but I will have to do it probably tomorrow.

Thanking God for the great day and praying for Ava to eat and be healthy...

1 comment:

  1. How precious....Tony and Ava sound great talking to each other... - Nancy R :-)
