Ava's gas was 34. She is only getting gasses Monday, Wednesday and Friday now. They went down in her O2 to 25%! Room air is 21%. So if she continues satting above 95, she may not need the O2. Praise God! They also went down on some of her back end pressures.

This is a funny photo of Ava - propped up in her chair and watching a movie, with her remote in hand. I guess she laughs so hard at Sesame Street and all the staff get a kick out of her.
Rehab saw her and they want to get her hearing evaluated. They do think she is only corrected to the age of 1 month - 3 months depending on what she is doing. They are going to continue to work with her on a multitude of levels.

Unfortunately, I have a slight cough and runny nose, and the girls have slight runny noses so I am wearing a mask at the hospital and I get so concerned. I could just have allergies though.
Thanking God for the O2 levels going down and praying that she continues to grow stronger and healthier with that left lung looking normal...
Great pics, Ann! Hope the sniffles go away. Lots of love, Maureen