Thursday, November 18, 2010

Day 298

Ava's gas was 34. She is only getting gasses Monday, Wednesday and Friday now. They went down in her O2 to 25%! Room air is 21%. So if she continues satting above 95, she may not need the O2. Praise God! They also went down on some of her back end pressures.
This is a funny photo of Ava - propped up in her chair and watching a movie, with her remote in hand. I guess she laughs so hard at Sesame Street and all the staff get a kick out of her.

Rehab saw her and they want to get her hearing evaluated. They do think she is only corrected to the age of 1 month - 3 months depending on what she is doing. They are going to continue to work with her on a multitude of levels.

Unfortunately, I have a slight cough and runny nose, and the girls have slight runny noses so I am wearing a mask at the hospital and I get so concerned. I could just have allergies though.

Thanking God for the O2 levels going down and praying that she continues to grow stronger and healthier with that left lung looking normal...

1 comment:

  1. Great pics, Ann! Hope the sniffles go away. Lots of love, Maureen
