Sunday, February 13, 2011

Day 385

We got a phone call at 1:30 am saying that Ava had to be resuscitated with chest compressions. This is the second time her heart rate dropped, but this time she had no pulse. Her heart rate and O2 saturations went to 0, so technically she was dead. Thankfully she was able to come up after chest compressions and being bagged. She popped off the vent and must have been crying. The nurse came over, not sure how long, and saw that her O2 saturations weren't registering on the monitor so she gave her an extra 100% of O2. The monitor showed 80s but then it decreased down to nothing while she was being bagged.

I came in and got to the hospital around 2:30 am and at that time they were putting a peripheral line into her groin to sedate and paralyze her. We thought her blood gas was going to be ok and then we were going to get her off the paralytic, but unfortunately her gas was 112. Her gassed during the day were as follows: 111, 96, 93, 76, 115, 73, 76 and I believe I am missing a few. She was on 30 - 40 bpms per minute and 60% O2. Her pressure over peep was 22 then 24. I stayed with her until 7 am and went home to bed. She was pretty good during the day just being sedated a bit. We still don't know what is wrong with her and she had a few desaturation episodes when we were with her tonight, so now she is totally paralyzed. Ava also is retaining fluid, her poor eyelids are bright red and swollen and she is not allowed to eat.

We really can't believe this is happening on Day 385 and we feel so bad for Ava. No baby should be going through this and to have two of those phone calls coming in during the night is something no person should ever experience.

Thanking God for Ava's life and praying for relief and an end to all this chaos...


  1. Ann, praying for strength for Ava and you all. Love you lots.

  2. Praying that God continues to be with you and watch over Ava...- Nancy R.

  3. I cant imagine how you all must feel.I'm sure God is watching over her and she will pull thru this.She's a tough little girl.It breaks my heart to see her poor little baby.I will keep her in my prayers.

  4. praying....trusting,...believing...
