Ava slept well through the night. Her gas was 62 in the morning and 62 tonight. They stopped her new antibiotic so it is looking like she may have been withdrawing from the fentanyl. She had a lot of secretions last night and tonight too, and they are clear so they think she is just withdrawing. Tomorrow she will be off the fentanyl completely. The doctor that was on today didn't know anything about taking the water out of the cuffed trach during the day. I think that is the most frustrating part of this whole experience with the hospital: the inconsistency of care. Some doctors realized I know what I am talking about, but others don't or don't want to be bothered. I was told on Friday that it was discussed and then this doctor knows nothing of it, but says she needs to be back to her original settings. She is on her original vent settings, but is on 35% O2. She probably can go down, but nobody changes it to 30%. The other day, the doctors didn't know that she wasn't on her original vent settings but the head doctor on this week knew Ava wasn't because I told her that was the case. Thankfully, she realized I was correct.
Thanking God for Ava's patience and praying that we all have wisdom, knowledge and discernment...
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