Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Day 136 - The Day Ava drank from a bottle

Today has been the day we have been waiting for since she was born. She finally ate from a bottle. She only ate 12 ml (out of the 70ml she is fed), but it's a start. Some babies won't even feed from a bottle at all after being on a vent that long and not bottling. She did gag and cough a little but I heard she went at the bottle at one point "ferociously". They will probably test her by watching her somehow (x-ray or something like that) to see how she swallows and if she aspirates (cough milk) into her lungs. All in all, they were happy, I was happy but I missed the whole thing because the parking ramp and valet parking was full so I had to find a spot really far away.

Ava's gas was 61 and they lowered her to a rate of 25 bpm. They will possibly put her on the CPAP, and maybe even when she eats from a bottle which is once a day for now. She was down to 37% O2 today. Tonight she is on 35% O2. That is really good. I don't think I have seen her that low.

Ava weighs 7 lbs. 11 oz. This bottom photo is Ava in a swing with her "wubanub" - pacifier attached to a stuffed horse.

Praising God for Ava's life and praying for her to feed from a bottle and get stronger...


  1. Ann, I know you've been waiting for this milestone for a long time. I am glad it is finally here. A lot of advances are being made in the area of feeding and swallowing in the NICU. I hope they have a great speech pathologist for you to help with the feeding:) Maureen

  2. Ann, I am sooooooooooooo Happy for the good news. You have been waiting for this for a long time. I feel your joy all the way down here in Texas !!!!!!!!!!!!! Praise God, for he is Goood His Mercy Endures Forever !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Ava is truly a blessing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-May God Continue to Bless her in every way.
    Nancy R.
