Ava had a pretty good day today. Her gas was 63 this morning and then it was 57. Her O2 is down to 47%! Practically down to where it was before she got sick. She is still spitting up a little. We got moved into the isolation room, not because she needs to be isolated but because it's quieter and we need more room. I'm also thinking that once there isn't any more room, we will be moved to the PICU (Pediatric Intensive Care Unit) or to another floor. They didn't say that, but I have noticed the trend.
Tomorrow they are going to get a really expensive vent and hook it up to her. It's one of two of this type of vent. It is essentially a "smart" vent which will gauge how inflated Ava's lungs are and make adjustments to her rate. Hopefully this will help her to get off these high vent settings and onto the home vents. In addition then she can have her swallow study done and she can start bottling instead of needing a G-Tube. And prayerfully, she can breast feed. If you have ever seen a happy mama, it would be the day that she can breastfeed.
Tonight when I came in she looked at me so intently. I also got to get her ready for bed and move her around myself since we moved into the other room. I changed her diaper and her clothes, which you would think is easy and a normal thing to do. But it's not. It's the actual first time that I could scoop her up myself. LOVE it! =)
Ava weighs 8 lbs. 11 oz. - 3445 grams. She is 45 cm long - 17.72" and her head is 34.5 cm - 13.58".
Praying for Ava to BE and STAY healthy and to NEVER have a week again like last week...
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