Ava's gas finally came down today to in the 50s. Her O2 on the other hand is at 100%. Her blood and urine cultures have come back negative. Her limbs were cold today which is a sign that she is ill. She is on antibiotics to help her if she does have an infection. It's so sad to see her laying there temporarily paralyzed and sedated. She opened her eyes to look at me tonight and say "Why mama?" I need my baby in my arms and home so badly.
We are basically figuring out that Ava is very fragile and for the meantime, we are going to stop having visitors. Especially because we don't know what Ava has. Once she does get home, we will have to plan on staying home, as directed by many doctors. I don't think even the doctors knew how sensitive Ava is. So, just to let you all know, we love you all and we want to see all of you once Ava comes home, but for Ava's health we will probably not be having visitors. In addition, Ava can't really go many places since we will be carrying around a vent, suction equipment and a nurse. I can't even drive by myself with her in the car. I always have to have someone in the car in case she stops breathing and needs to be suctioned. It's really sad, but once she hits the summer of being two, we can hopefully have a nice party and be able to breathe a little. I met a nurse today who has a 5 year old that was born at 27 weeks. She says that her life is never the same and that they are constantly going on doctors appointments, and as she called it "getting tune-ups" for her son, when he goes in the hospital. It doesn't take much for Ava to use up all her reserve and get sick.
Praying for Ava to heal and get home...
Ann, what a life change indeed. I hope you will have people to do errands and grocery shop for you even if they can't peek in for a visit. I guess it is good you will be homeschooling that will help with germ control. I miss you lots Ann and pray for health and help to come for your whole family. P.S. I like the new layout are you into designing;) Love Maureen