Thursday, September 16, 2010

Day 235

Ava's gasses were 35, 31, 35, 54 today. The nurse that was on last night forgot to leave her antibiotic in her PIC line for 12 hours. Her white blood cells went up to 21 from 17 the day before. They were able to go down in her vent settings to what they were when she got sick. 40% O2, Peep of 6 (needs to go down to 5), 30 bpms, and pressure support of 18. They are hoping to take her of the paralytic tomorrow and decrease her sedation slowly so she won't have withdrawal symptoms. Praise God! I just want our baby home so badly. She would be so happy at home. I am missing her smile so much. So I currently have ALL of my children sick. Alexandra came down with a cold today and Ariana still has hers. They want their mama to hold them and cuddle them, but I am so afraid to now because I don't want to get sick for Ava. I normally would cuddle them and kiss them and not be afraid to get sick but rather to be there for the girls lovingly.

Ava weighs 5.4  = 11.9 pounds.

Praying for Ava to get home in September... With God all things are possible...

1 comment:

  1. Amen! With God all things are possible and his timing is perfect. I pray the colds leave your house soon. Love, Maureen
