Ava's gasses were 80 (on home vent), 81 (on hospital vent) and 62. She was also desatting a bit and decided to put her back on the the regular hospital vent. I discussed Ava with the docs from lung center and the PICU and they felt it harms her and doesn't help her to grow when she is on the home vent and isn't ready to be on it. They decided to have her on the hospital vent for a month and try to get her to grow. They want to test her poop to see if she is digesting and have endocrine check her out again. The good news is that the lung center doctor said that she saw that Ava has grown some lung tissue in her last cat scan. The other good news is after we had the little meet, Ava has gained weight and grown. Once she has gained weight for a week I can breast feed her again.
Ava weighs 5.3 kg = 11.68 pounds, length 57 cm = 22.44", head 39 cm = 15.35".
Praying for Ava to grow...
Ann, thinking of you, Ava, and the whole family often. I am praying she will continue to gain the weight. You have been so persistent with nursing her. You are an amazing mom. Lots of love, Maureen