Ava's CO2 blood gas was 70 early this morning. She slept pretty good and was only up twice for a diaper change and gassiness but went back to sleep within an hour. Lung center came in today to check up on her and she seemed to be labored in her breathing. They could hear the air coming out of her mouth so they put her down to 5 bpms (from 30 bpm) and a pressure of 12 (from 18). After 4 hours they got a gas and it was 67 so that is good. They were afraid she would stop breathing on her own when she slept but she kept breathing and only went down to 19 breaths per minute. She is sleeping right now (11pm) and she is breathing on her own at 34 bpms. Basically she is breathing on her own right now and she is able to continue even when she is sleeping which we didn't really know if she could do.
Tomorrow we'll know if she weighs more. If she does, than it's only 5 days from breastfeeding again.
In other news, the girls at home are sick again. Ariana's asthma is acting up so please pray for her as well. Hopefully she won't be at Children's like she was over a year ago.
Praying for Ava to come home and have peace...
Hi Ann! What a beauty! So what clothing size is Ava (and the other girls too) now? I love all of Ava's cute outfits :) Miss you, Maureen