Ava's gas was 51 today. She had a great day and pretty much slept all day. Ava did go down in her weight to 5.1 kg from 5.46 kg. That's a lot and they decided to up her calories to 27 ml and hour. I spoke with one of her favorite nurses tonight (who reads this blog) and she told me they may want to keep her on her one sedative, Versed (sp?), because they think it's helping from her movements being jerky. She's on a very low dose and her jerkyness could be a mild case of cerebral palsy. They aren't sure and maybe she is better, but they won't know until they take her off of it. They said that most micro-preemies do end up having something wrong due to their earliness. I am still praying that it isn't the case. God is protecting Ava and he has protected her from so much like the brain bleeds, her heart and her eyes... We all know how blessed we are to have Ava. You should see how she can move around now, she moves her head to the left and right, can grab onto toys and can move her hands to midline, which her nurse said is huge. So, besides her head not being stable, which is hard with a vent attached, she is developmentally appropriate. Praise God!
Next Friday we are having another meeting with Lung Center to discuss Ava again. Still doesn't mean she is going home, but I would love to have Ava out before flu season.
Ava weighs 5.1 kg = 11.24 pounds.
Praying for Ava to grow, grow, and grow....
Hi anne I have a feeling this is going to be a great week for Ava! Don,t know why I just do.BTW Cameron is 5 months old and weighs 14 pounds and he's a boy.So maybe she's just a petite little girl???? I loved the video.As always we will pray for her in church on Sunday.BTW too some times Cameron,s movements are a little jerky too kind of cute though so who knows? Take care nancy