Ava only woke up twice last night and slept until about 7:30 am. She spit up like normal once this morning and once tonight again. Overall she had an awesome day and was extremely giddy and happy. She fell asleep on me around 5 pm and woke up a bit upset, but put her back in bed and she has been asleep ever since. What a joy and blessing Ava is.
Ava weighs 8.96 kg = 19.75 pounds. Our little chunker! I actually remember buying this dress for Ava because I bought one for Alexandra and Ariana too. I "daring" to buy it despite being told that Ava wouldn't make it and here she is today, wearing the dress.
Thanks to whomever wrote the great comment from yesterday's post. My greatest accomplishment before I die would be to glorify our God. We love comments and if you can get them to post (some people have trouble), it's a wonderful part of our day.
Thanking God for all his blessings and praying for even more...
This blog is all about the life of our beloved daughter Ava, whom we don't know how long will be on this earth. We pray every day for God to give her more strength for her lungs to grow and live longer than any of us.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Day 430 - A praise the Lord kind of day...
Ava woke up about 4 times during the night last night, with some gas pains and needing to be suctioned. Nothing too bad, she did sleep most of the night. She was pulling on her ear a bit so they checked it out to see if there was an ear infection. Thankfully there wasn't one, although I think I have one. After she had her morning spit up, she was fine the rest of the day until later this afternoon. I think she was tired of sitting in her chair or she got some water from her vent tubing and she started to get upset and desatting. Well, I started to give her some O2 from the ambu bag and she still wouldn't go up her in O2 saturations. Her sats were going down to 60s and then 50s, when someone called our nurse and she ran over, took over and bagged Ava with the other bag that we won't use at home. Ava got better and then she seemed to have maybe gotten some water in her trach again, so we were going to suciton her. She started desatting and I put the bag on her while her nurse was going to suction, but the bagging wasn't helping. Finally the nurse noticed the bag which is always attached to the O2 is not attached so Ava is not getting any extra O2. The reason for these issues is because she didn't have the O2 that she needed. Ava still needs prayer that we can never have this situation happen again and that she can breathe and cry without needing O2. This made me think that I have no idea how our PMR bag is attached to the O2 canister. It wasn't explained to us by the VNA, so I will look into it tomorrow.
I did speak with a woman today from surgery about Ava's GJ (feeding system that goes into her tummy and intestines). She didn't realize Ava didn't have a Mickey (where she is fed directly through to her tummy. She was fed like this for at least 10 months) and she wondered why she had a GJ (which is where the feed is fed directly into the intestine). I explained my theory, which is: we thought she had bad acid relux (which she may have had months ago and could possibly have a little bit), and we put the GJ in. Once we took her medicine away (Miralax) which seemed to (and did) cause her extreme cramping and desatting, her "extreme" pains and desatting went away. She still has some gas, but it doesn't look to be acid reflux. The staff was also dumping her gastric juices because it was filling the gravity tubes fast. The surgery NP didn't like that the gastric juices were getting dumped because she needs them. Around this time, Ava showed us that she can toss up some of her gastric juices twice all over the place. The surgery NP thinks that is because we are blocking most of her intestine with the feeding tube and the gastric juices are not going through the intestines like they should. Now, the plan is to speak with our pediatrician about changing it back to a Mickey where she is fed through her tummy after we get home. It would stop her from coming home for awhile if we did it now. They can do it easily (once we are home) and we already have an appointment for surgery the end of April. Please pray that this works because this could mean that Ava could not need her feeding tube at all. We still need to work on her eating and drinking, but pray for this as well. ;)
I also received her prescriptions to be filled and dropped them off at Rite Aid today. Only one couldn't be filled by them and I will have to go back to the hospital to have it filled. We have all her appointments scheduled as well. Ava is also starting a new steroid hydrocortisone tomorrow (instead of prednisolone) and hopefully that will go exceptionally well.
The great news of the day is that Ava's eye doctor came in to visit her. He checked her eyes and he was happy to see that she could "track" with her eyes. After putting dilating drops in her eyes, he later found out that her eyes are in perfect condition. She is far sighted but most babies her age are. Her ROP (retinopathy of prematurity) has resolved itself. If you look back on April 22, 2010, that is the day the surgeon was prepared to give Ava eye surgery. Thank you Lord, for all that you have done for Ava and thank you to all of YOU for your prayers. Keep them coming! You can see today, just a part of what all your prayers have done for Ava! Praise God!!! Let's storm the heavens and get Ava off this vent. Let's shock and awe all unbelievers. Ava is only here because of God and your prayers.
Thanking God for Ava's eyes and praying for Ava's lungs to breathe on their own without a vent...
I did speak with a woman today from surgery about Ava's GJ (feeding system that goes into her tummy and intestines). She didn't realize Ava didn't have a Mickey (where she is fed directly through to her tummy. She was fed like this for at least 10 months) and she wondered why she had a GJ (which is where the feed is fed directly into the intestine). I explained my theory, which is: we thought she had bad acid relux (which she may have had months ago and could possibly have a little bit), and we put the GJ in. Once we took her medicine away (Miralax) which seemed to (and did) cause her extreme cramping and desatting, her "extreme" pains and desatting went away. She still has some gas, but it doesn't look to be acid reflux. The staff was also dumping her gastric juices because it was filling the gravity tubes fast. The surgery NP didn't like that the gastric juices were getting dumped because she needs them. Around this time, Ava showed us that she can toss up some of her gastric juices twice all over the place. The surgery NP thinks that is because we are blocking most of her intestine with the feeding tube and the gastric juices are not going through the intestines like they should. Now, the plan is to speak with our pediatrician about changing it back to a Mickey where she is fed through her tummy after we get home. It would stop her from coming home for awhile if we did it now. They can do it easily (once we are home) and we already have an appointment for surgery the end of April. Please pray that this works because this could mean that Ava could not need her feeding tube at all. We still need to work on her eating and drinking, but pray for this as well. ;)
I also received her prescriptions to be filled and dropped them off at Rite Aid today. Only one couldn't be filled by them and I will have to go back to the hospital to have it filled. We have all her appointments scheduled as well. Ava is also starting a new steroid hydrocortisone tomorrow (instead of prednisolone) and hopefully that will go exceptionally well.
The great news of the day is that Ava's eye doctor came in to visit her. He checked her eyes and he was happy to see that she could "track" with her eyes. After putting dilating drops in her eyes, he later found out that her eyes are in perfect condition. She is far sighted but most babies her age are. Her ROP (retinopathy of prematurity) has resolved itself. If you look back on April 22, 2010, that is the day the surgeon was prepared to give Ava eye surgery. Thank you Lord, for all that you have done for Ava and thank you to all of YOU for your prayers. Keep them coming! You can see today, just a part of what all your prayers have done for Ava! Praise God!!! Let's storm the heavens and get Ava off this vent. Let's shock and awe all unbelievers. Ava is only here because of God and your prayers.
Thanking God for Ava's eyes and praying for Ava's lungs to breathe on their own without a vent...
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Day 429 - A week from today...
Ava slept through the night and only woke up once to be suctioned. She woke up around 6:30 am quite happy and played with her nurse. She only spit up once and that was for me tonight. Her heart rate went down to about 115 and she desatted to the 70s but I was able to suction her a little and get her right back up. We just need to be prepared for that to happen at any time with all of her equipment close by.
We got our O2 training today and finished up talking about what supplies we need. Tomorrow I am getting taught on giving Ava a stress dose of steroids if she gets sick.
The girls and I are finally feeling better and maybe tomorrow or Thursday, I can get into Ava's room and put everything away neatly from all the supplies and label the drawers. My ear is feeling a little sore and hopefully I won't get another ear infection like I did last year for my birthday. I couldn't hear for a month last year! Please pray for quick healing for all of us.
Thanking God for protecting Ava and praying for healing for our family and for Ava to be healthy and only be going to the ICU for decannulation...
We got our O2 training today and finished up talking about what supplies we need. Tomorrow I am getting taught on giving Ava a stress dose of steroids if she gets sick.
The girls and I are finally feeling better and maybe tomorrow or Thursday, I can get into Ava's room and put everything away neatly from all the supplies and label the drawers. My ear is feeling a little sore and hopefully I won't get another ear infection like I did last year for my birthday. I couldn't hear for a month last year! Please pray for quick healing for all of us.
Thanking God for protecting Ava and praying for healing for our family and for Ava to be healthy and only be going to the ICU for decannulation...
Monday, March 28, 2011
Day 428
Ava had a good night and a great day. She had a little runny nose this morning but it went away. Her gas was 56 this morning, but they got another one this evening because her PH from her blood gas was a little off. That CO2 from this evening was 48, which is really good. She did spit up again this afternoon and she also gagged I think from getting some water from her vent tubing and her heart rate dropped to 88 (that I saw) but I handled the whole thing by myself. She didn't sleep much during the day but she was asleep around 8 pm.
We got the O2 tank today, but the tank was so dirty. It even had mold in this plastic area that looks like it hold water. I am going to have to call tomorrow for a replacement or something. We will have O2 training tomorrow as well.
Ava weighs 8.65 kg = 19.07 pounds and is 70 cm long = 27.56".
Thanking God for Ava and praying for Ava to be healed...
We got the O2 tank today, but the tank was so dirty. It even had mold in this plastic area that looks like it hold water. I am going to have to call tomorrow for a replacement or something. We will have O2 training tomorrow as well.
Ava weighs 8.65 kg = 19.07 pounds and is 70 cm long = 27.56".
Thanking God for Ava and praying for Ava to be healed...
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Day 427

Saturday, March 26, 2011
Day 426
Ava had a great night and woke up with gas pains, but nothing terrible. She actually had a two hour nap from 11 am - 1 pm. She woke up happy and smiling and full of joy. Ava fell asleep around 8 pm.
I didn't get to go in today, because of my cold. Just to be safe. It's not too bad, but I would rather have her home.
Thanking God for the gift of Ava and praying that Ava is germ-free...
I didn't get to go in today, because of my cold. Just to be safe. It's not too bad, but I would rather have her home.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Day 425
Ava had a great night but did spit up in the morning and once in the afternoon. Her temp was a bit higher than norm. Not much, but just a little and she was a little upset this morning. I am really hoping nothing is wrong. But it was something Anthony and I handled. She need to be suctioned a couple of times and bagged but she was fine and we took care of it. She seemed to have some gas pains, but she didn't desat into the 70s, we just gave her some Mylicon.
We met with two of her nurses today and they seemed to be great. They are excited to work with us and we are so excited to have gotten this far. Both of the nurses wanted 5 days a week with Ava. We are meeting with Ava's night nurse on Monday and will also be getting Ava's O2 tanks. Tuesday we will having training with the O2. We also received Ava's respiratory supplies today and won't be getting her feeding supplies until the day before or the day she goes home.
In other news, I got my annual cold that I get around my birthday, and Alexandra and Ariana got a cold as well. No matter how much hand sanitizer we use, we always seem to get something, although we have not been sick for months. Nothing too bad, just sore throat, runny nose and slight cough. I'm not looking forward to having sickness in the house when Ava is home and dealing with keeping her away from it. But God protects...
Thanking God for protecting Ava and praying that we can get her home on the 5th...
We met with two of her nurses today and they seemed to be great. They are excited to work with us and we are so excited to have gotten this far. Both of the nurses wanted 5 days a week with Ava. We are meeting with Ava's night nurse on Monday and will also be getting Ava's O2 tanks. Tuesday we will having training with the O2. We also received Ava's respiratory supplies today and won't be getting her feeding supplies until the day before or the day she goes home.
In other news, I got my annual cold that I get around my birthday, and Alexandra and Ariana got a cold as well. No matter how much hand sanitizer we use, we always seem to get something, although we have not been sick for months. Nothing too bad, just sore throat, runny nose and slight cough. I'm not looking forward to having sickness in the house when Ava is home and dealing with keeping her away from it. But God protects...
Thanking God for protecting Ava and praying that we can get her home on the 5th...
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Day 424 - 14 months old!
Ava had a great night and slept until 7:30 am. She threw up yellow bile twice today and was satting around 93 for a while. Hopefully nothing is wrong. She is on her actual vent and has all her vent equipment. We should be getting all her supplies tomorrow since I pushed to have them there since there are only 6 business days until she is home (which the supply company didn't know). We are also meeting three of her nurses tomorrow and we are very excited.
Ava weighs 8.46 kg = 18.65 pounds.
Thanking God for Ava and praying for protection from illness for our family...
Ava weighs 8.46 kg = 18.65 pounds.
Thanking God for Ava and praying for protection from illness for our family...
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Day 423
Ava had a wonderful day. She gets a little bit crabby in the morning as well as parts of the day, but I really think she wants to get up and do something. Whenever she is fussy and you go over and talk with her or occupy her, it usually stops. She spit up once from the Nystatin.
I came back in tonight after having dinner and she was so excited. She gets so giddy at night. I put her in her pjs and rocked her to sleep. I put her in bed and she was knocked out cold. She didn't move, didn't rock her body like she usually does. When I called at 11:15 tonight, she was still asleep and only rolled over once. I told the nurse I am a professional mom and I know how to knock her out without any drugs. Makes me feel pretty confident to take her home. We are so ready. She wants to have fun and her sissies miss her.
Thanking God for Ava's peace and praying we can get home on or before the 5th...
I came back in tonight after having dinner and she was so excited. She gets so giddy at night. I put her in her pjs and rocked her to sleep. I put her in bed and she was knocked out cold. She didn't move, didn't rock her body like she usually does. When I called at 11:15 tonight, she was still asleep and only rolled over once. I told the nurse I am a professional mom and I know how to knock her out without any drugs. Makes me feel pretty confident to take her home. We are so ready. She wants to have fun and her sissies miss her.
Thanking God for Ava's peace and praying we can get home on or before the 5th...
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Day 422 - 2 weeks until Ava comes home... God willing
Ava had a good night and was up until 10pm. She even woke up at 6am. She was also a bit upset around 7 am and the nurse bagged her a couple of times. Ava's sats were just 88 but I guess she was crying and the nurse didn't know what to do. The nurse eventually gave her tylenol and Ava calmed and went back to sleep. Ava probably just wanted to get up and play. She did have two spit ups and two stools. She seems to be ok off of the Lasix (diuretic) as of now. She is also down to 2 mg of her steroids for her lungs. We need to get her off those and see how she does. Please pray that we can make that happen. Overall, she had a great day and was laughing so hard and smiling so big when I was there. Speech therapy came by and fed her some applesauce and Ava loved it. She didn't spit it up either.
We also got her actual home vent delivered today that we have been waiting for. The vent she is currently on is the hospital's "home" vent. Lung Center will be setting her up on her home vent on Thursday.
Thanking God for Ava coming home and praying for strength for us all...
We also got her actual home vent delivered today that we have been waiting for. The vent she is currently on is the hospital's "home" vent. Lung Center will be setting her up on her home vent on Thursday.
Thanking God for Ava coming home and praying for strength for us all...
Monday, March 21, 2011
Day 421
Ava had a pretty good night. Up off and on and the nurse didn't manage to get Ava's weekly blood gas. She spit up tonight right when I came in, and of course her pulsox that tells us her O2 saturations just happened to be off. But she didn't turn blue or grey, so that is a positive. Her nurse got her blood gas tonight and it was 47. Really great!
Ava weighs 8.42 kg = 18.56 pounds, length 68.5 cm = 26.97", head circumference 43 cm = 16.93" (I believe this is correct).
Thanking God for Ava's strength and praying that we can come home with ease and great nurses...
Ava weighs 8.42 kg = 18.56 pounds, length 68.5 cm = 26.97", head circumference 43 cm = 16.93" (I believe this is correct).
Thanking God for Ava's strength and praying that we can come home with ease and great nurses...
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Day 420
Ava had a good night. I guess she was up off and on last night. She had a great day as well but seems to be quite restless and wants to get out of that crib or play with someone or something. Oh how I can't wait to get her home to do that. Nothing else to report except she kept taking 15 minute naps here and there today and she always seemed to look sleepy.
Thanking God for "nothing to report" and praying for "nothing to report except we are having fun at home"...
Thanking God for "nothing to report" and praying for "nothing to report except we are having fun at home"...
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Day 419
Ava had a great night and slept until 6:30 am. She was quite the ham and was trying to sit totally upright in her chair but she just falls forward. She hasn't spit up since she has gotten the Nystatin from the thrush in her mouth. I also fed her a mandarin orange in her feeding bag and she loved it.
Thank you Olivia's mom for your wonderful comments. Glad you found us! We love comments - keep 'em coming!
Thanking God for Ava's life and praying that we can get her home on the 5th...
Thank you Olivia's mom for your wonderful comments. Glad you found us! We love comments - keep 'em coming!
Thanking God for Ava's life and praying that we can get her home on the 5th...
Friday, March 18, 2011
Day 418
Ava slept great through the night but she did retain a bit of water like she has been doing. Lung Center said they wanted to see how she would do through the weekend. She also had a couple of stools so that was good as well. They are treating her thrush and she seems to be gagging a bit more than normal, probably from the thrush. She was so tired tonight when we were there. We put her to bed at 7:30 pm, she woke up about an hour later for a few minutes and went asleep for the rest of the night.
I spoke with the nursing agency today and we are going to be meeting with them and the nurses next week at the hospital, possibly on Friday. VERY Excited but I already feel tired with how early I have to get up for doctors appointments - especially since I am not a morning person. God give me the strength...
Thanking God for Ava's healing and praying that she and our family can stay illness free...
I spoke with the nursing agency today and we are going to be meeting with them and the nurses next week at the hospital, possibly on Friday. VERY Excited but I already feel tired with how early I have to get up for doctors appointments - especially since I am not a morning person. God give me the strength...
Thanking God for Ava's healing and praying that she and our family can stay illness free...
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Day 417 - Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Ava had a restless night last night, but she was very happy all day. She didn't spit up at all in the morning, but did later in the early evening. Then she stooled about 15 minutes after. We did find out that Ava has thrush which could be causing her the tummy problems and the spitting up problem. We noticed it yesterday and we finally got Nystatin to put rub on her tongue today.
Ava weighs 8.2 kg = 18.07 pounds. You can tell Ava wants to come home so badly and be with us. She looks so bored.
Thanking God for sending us friends that have been helping us so much and praying for continued progress and protection...
Ava weighs 8.2 kg = 18.07 pounds. You can tell Ava wants to come home so badly and be with us. She looks so bored.
Thanking God for sending us friends that have been helping us so much and praying for continued progress and protection...
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Day 416
Ava had a pretty good night and day. She had some spit up twice today, once in the morning, once in the evening. You can pretty much see that it's going to happen from her not smiling for at least 10 minutes beforehand. She also stooled after she spit up the last time. She had a desat this morning but it wasn't a huge deal. It's something we can totally handle. Her nurse also gave her a glycerin to poop since she hadn't in a little over 24 hours, but Ava's schedule sometimes is a bit more than 24 hours, in fact, it's almost 2 days, and then she stools for 2-3 times and then she does it once every 24 hours for a few days. Sorry for the stool content, but it's something we have been debating. I don't think she should be given something to help her when she is capable of doing it herself (eventually). We want her to be as normal as possible. She also would not smile for me the whole time I was there, and she only smiled at me once she did stool. It's very interesting how this effects her and it will be something I watch in the future.
Thanking God for Ava's growth and praying for Ava to be healthy...
Thanking God for Ava's growth and praying for Ava to be healthy...
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Day 415
Ava had a wonderful night and day yesterday. She did spit up a little in the morning and had a slight desat when she woke up and stooled. The rest of the day was wonderful. I gave her some peas and peaches to eat and she gagged a little but not too bad and she also didn't spit up. She had a great day with lots of smiles and playing. Hopefully she can handle the lasik (diuretic) being taken away on Thursday and she can come home. She had a trach change as well with no problems.
Thanking God for Ava's healing and praying for continued success and protection...
Thanking God for Ava's healing and praying for continued success and protection...
Monday, March 14, 2011
Day 414
Ava had a great night and day and her blood gas was 47! Amazingly great! Her nurse gave her jelly beans and chocolate in her little feeding pouch that she can suck on. Speech therapy came by and gave her applesauce and she took the spoon right out of their hand and put it into her mouth. She obviously knows what to do with her food now! She did have a couple of bouts of spitting up in the morning and around 7 pm, but it had nothing to do with feeding her because she wasn't being fed at that time.
Ava weighs 8.02 kg = 17.68 pounds, length: 68 cm = 26.77", head circumference: 43.5 cm = 17.13".
Thanking God for Ava's growth and praying for protection from illness etc...
Ava weighs 8.02 kg = 17.68 pounds, length: 68 cm = 26.77", head circumference: 43.5 cm = 17.13".
Thanking God for Ava's growth and praying for protection from illness etc...
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Day 413 - Ava's New Slideshow!
Ava had an ok night with Anthony. She was up off and on with having gas. Nothing to terrible, she was moving her legs up and down so we had no real idea if she was really desatting. She did have a change of color when she was bearing down from the gas. But he got through the night wonderfully and he is really excited because he knows she will do great at home. She was up around 6 am but went back to sleep until about noon.
She had an awesome day and she is even clapping her feet together and still shaking those balloons from a couple of days ago. I think she gives people so much joy seeing her so active.
Here's a link for Ava's new slideshow that I have made that incorporates her most recent pics. The photos of the women in the middle are some of Ava's primary nurses, who have been so integral for her growth and development. Thank you ladies for loving Ava up all the time!
Thanking God for how far Ava has come and praying for her to go farther than we can even imagine (but God can)... God, let Ava shock and awe everyone (in a good way)...
She had an awesome day and she is even clapping her feet together and still shaking those balloons from a couple of days ago. I think she gives people so much joy seeing her so active.
Here's a link for Ava's new slideshow that I have made that incorporates her most recent pics. The photos of the women in the middle are some of Ava's primary nurses, who have been so integral for her growth and development. Thank you ladies for loving Ava up all the time!
Thanking God for how far Ava has come and praying for her to go farther than we can even imagine (but God can)... God, let Ava shock and awe everyone (in a good way)...
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Day 412
Ava had a great night and was just a little upset with gas, but the nurse gave her Mylicon and she got better. She had a great day as well, but did spit up about 3 times during the day. She was happy when we were there and I brought our family friend Kelly with us and Ava smiled a ton at her. We put her in her car seat that was in her stroller for a bit and she was happy. Anthony is staying his night with Ava tonight and hopefully it goes very smoothly.
Thanking God for Ava's smiles and laughter and praying for protection around our family...
Thanking God for Ava's smiles and laughter and praying for protection around our family...
Friday, March 11, 2011
Day 411
Ava had a super night and slept peacefully. She was up around 7 am. She had a great day smiling at visitors and Occupational Therapy came in today to work with her. We do have a sick child next to Ava and we are praying that no germs will come near Ava or harm Ava. Please pray to do the same. She got to see and play with her sisters tonight who fight to get near her at all times. Alexandra though plays so nice with her and really keeps her occupied.
Thanking God for the gift of Ava and praying that Ava is germ/illness-free...
Thanking God for the gift of Ava and praying that Ava is germ/illness-free...
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Day 410
Ava had a good night but did wake up at 5 am. We had a great day with her and she was very happy and smiling. We had our planning meeting and it went really well. We have a tentative date of April 5th which is the day before my birthday. We are waiting to see how she will do without having a dose of Lasix (dieuretic) a day. She will be off of the Lasix on next thursday. She is also going to be weaned on the steroids and we will have to see how she does on that. Ava will also get an IVIG infusion before she comes home and then we already have an appointment for the IVIG in May. There are a few other procedures that Ava will have to go through that don't sound very easy like checking her heart by going through her veins. My poor baby, what she has to do to just live.
These balloons were given to Ava from Hunter Kelly from heaven and the Kelly family. It was so sweet and Ava had so much fun playing with them (we had lots of fun watching her). Jill has totally blessed the world with Hunter's story and I encourage you to pick up her book: "Without a Word".
Ava weighs 7.8 kg = 17.20 pounds.
Thanking God for Ava's progress and praying for protection around Ava...
These balloons were given to Ava from Hunter Kelly from heaven and the Kelly family. It was so sweet and Ava had so much fun playing with them (we had lots of fun watching her). Jill has totally blessed the world with Hunter's story and I encourage you to pick up her book: "Without a Word".
Ava weighs 7.8 kg = 17.20 pounds.
Thanking God for Ava's progress and praying for protection around Ava...
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Day 409
Ava had an ok night. I guess she didn't sleep very peacefully, but she didn't have desats and she wasn't crying. Her blood gas was 51 which is really good even with her having an air leak in her trach. She is on 28% O2 and is still doing well on the peep of 9.
Speech therapy came by today and Ava did really well. She was very happy and would put her pacifier in her mouth for them. They also dipped her pacifier in applesauce but she didn't really know what to do with it. They believe she was able to swallow and she didn't aspirate or gag. They are encouraged that she doesn't have any problems putting anything in her mouth and will hopefully be able to recognize food is for eating.
Ava got another dose of IVIG (immunoglobins) today to help her keep her immune system up. We will be coming in for transfusion of IVIG when she does come home. It sounds pretty fun - sitting with an active baby/child for at least 3 hours in the hospital. Please note the sarcasm... lol...
Tomorrow is our planning meeting for Ava. Hopefully it will go very well, and we can get her home in the next few weeks.
Thanking God for Ava's progress and praying that our meeting goes superb and we can get a calm, peaceful, happy Ava home to us...
Speech therapy came by today and Ava did really well. She was very happy and would put her pacifier in her mouth for them. They also dipped her pacifier in applesauce but she didn't really know what to do with it. They believe she was able to swallow and she didn't aspirate or gag. They are encouraged that she doesn't have any problems putting anything in her mouth and will hopefully be able to recognize food is for eating.
Ava got another dose of IVIG (immunoglobins) today to help her keep her immune system up. We will be coming in for transfusion of IVIG when she does come home. It sounds pretty fun - sitting with an active baby/child for at least 3 hours in the hospital. Please note the sarcasm... lol...
Tomorrow is our planning meeting for Ava. Hopefully it will go very well, and we can get her home in the next few weeks.
Thanking God for Ava's progress and praying that our meeting goes superb and we can get a calm, peaceful, happy Ava home to us...
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Day 408
Ava slept until about 5:30 am today. They got her cleaned up and dressed and changed her trach to the 5.0 uncuffed. I guess she looked a little greyish (or modely like clay as they call it) and spit up a phelgm ball a little bit later. But she has been fine with the trach the rest of the day. She did have a desat to 77 today, but the day nurse isn't a nurse that has had Ava before so I am not sure what really happened. Ava was fine the rest of the day. I packed Ava up in her stroller today and pushed her around with the respiratory therapist from Lung Center. I did it much faster than I have in the past. I am definitely getting used to all the equipment: the suction machine, the vent, the bag, the pulsox, the car seat, the O2 tank, the diaper bag, the battery for the vent, her feeding equipment and of course Ava. I am not quite sure I will make it out of the house in 30 minutes time...
The young boy that was in the next bedside to Ava, died today. I don't know their situation, but we were there and it was very sad but very quick. We don't know what happened and I wish I could have consoled the boy's mother and father. You really don't know what to say. She looked at me, (we have never talked before) and I looked at her, looked away and looked at her again. I don't know if I should have said I was sorry or what. Although I have not lost my own child, I certainly know what it's like thinking you are going to or be at the brink of losing them. Please pray for this family, hopefully they have lots of love and support and know that their son has gone to a place where there is no pain and no fear.
Thanking God for letting us keep Ava, and praying for Ava to beat the need for a vent...
The young boy that was in the next bedside to Ava, died today. I don't know their situation, but we were there and it was very sad but very quick. We don't know what happened and I wish I could have consoled the boy's mother and father. You really don't know what to say. She looked at me, (we have never talked before) and I looked at her, looked away and looked at her again. I don't know if I should have said I was sorry or what. Although I have not lost my own child, I certainly know what it's like thinking you are going to or be at the brink of losing them. Please pray for this family, hopefully they have lots of love and support and know that their son has gone to a place where there is no pain and no fear.
Thanking God for letting us keep Ava, and praying for Ava to beat the need for a vent...
Monday, March 7, 2011
Day 407
Ava had a great night and day again. She slept until 8 am and had a blood gas of 54. They put her peep down to 9 and are waiting to see how she does with it. Her O2 saturations seem to be just fine and she has had no desats, but is happy and smiling all day. I am hoping that because she is on a higher dose of steroids, that this is not causing her to act better. They are also going to go back to her uncuffed 5.0 trach. We are still trying to set up a meeting for this week, but we haven't gotten any answers about that yet.
Ava weighs 7.78 kg = 17.15 pounds, and her length is 67 cm = 26.38" (she actually went up .5 cm in 4 days!).
This video is how Ava puts herself to sleep. She totally self soothes, rocks herself and even puts the blanket over head (it's probably too bright in there.) This photo is Ava with one of her beloved primary nurses who can't help to love Ava up.
Thanking God for Ava's growth and praying that she grows stronger and healthier...
Ava weighs 7.78 kg = 17.15 pounds, and her length is 67 cm = 26.38" (she actually went up .5 cm in 4 days!).
This video is how Ava puts herself to sleep. She totally self soothes, rocks herself and even puts the blanket over head (it's probably too bright in there.) This photo is Ava with one of her beloved primary nurses who can't help to love Ava up.
Thanking God for Ava's growth and praying that she grows stronger and healthier...
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Day 406
Ava had another great night (I don't think I will ever be tired of saying that). She was happy all day long. We came in later tonight and we were told about Ava's steroid wean. This resident knew nothing about the steroids causing Ava to be sick, but actually said she was growing bacteria in her trach culture like we originally though. So I am going to have to investigate more tomorrow. Hopefully they will plan a meeting for this week tomorrow. We also get a blood gas and her blood taken to check on her immunoglobins tomorrow.
Thanking God for Ava's happiness and praying for Ava to be vent-free...
Thanking God for Ava's happiness and praying for Ava to be vent-free...
Day 405
Ava had a great night and was awake at 7 am playing and smiling. She had an awesome day as well, but I found out that they didn't go down to a peep of 8. I guess they were writing it incorrectly for a couple of days as well as her peep valve wasn't set properly. I also heard from our nurse that Ava wasn't sick from a trach infection or pneumonia. They had the doctor from infectious diseases and illness come and check out Ava's blood and trach cultures and from what I heard he said she became ill somewhere on her steroid wean. I am not quite sure what is going on and why they are not communicating with us. Did her heart rate drop to zero because she couldn't handle
Thanking God for Ava's progress and praying that we can get her home to our family and keep her there safe and sound...
Friday, March 4, 2011
Day 404
Ava had a great night and day again. They are only getting blood gasses every Monday and Thursday. She is on less than 1 liter of O2 (28%) and the respiratory therapist even went down to room air and she was satting at 100%! Praise God! They went back up to 28% because I believe she has to get orders to make that change. They also put her peep down to 8 (it was at 10), which is really great. We have been at 10 for quite some time now, at least a few months and being able to move that down is showing that Ava's lungs are growing well. We breath on a peep of 5. It's how much our lungs stay open before they expand when we breath in or the technical term is amount of pressure left in the lungs that helps keep them inflated. This is really great news and such an answer to prayer. All of you keep these prayers coming! I just happened upon finding this out today and Anthony and I were floating on air.
Ava was up from 6 am until I came in later tonight and rocked her to sleep. She is such a little party animal and doesn't want to miss a thing. She smiles at everyone and gives everyone such love.
I also called the discharge planner and I found out from the Lung Center's respiratory therapist that the discharge planner is off this week and that's why we probably don't have a meeting set up for next week. Hopefully we can get everyone together for next week Thursday or Friday so we can get Ava out when she is doing so good. The RT also said that she is so happy with how Ava is doing.
Thanking God for Ava's progress and praying that Ava comes home soon or even better is healed completely...
Ava was up from 6 am until I came in later tonight and rocked her to sleep. She is such a little party animal and doesn't want to miss a thing. She smiles at everyone and gives everyone such love.
I also called the discharge planner and I found out from the Lung Center's respiratory therapist that the discharge planner is off this week and that's why we probably don't have a meeting set up for next week. Hopefully we can get everyone together for next week Thursday or Friday so we can get Ava out when she is doing so good. The RT also said that she is so happy with how Ava is doing.
Thanking God for Ava's progress and praying that Ava comes home soon or even better is healed completely...
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Day 403
Ava had a great night (love saying that) and she played all day. She doesn't like not getting attention, so her nurse had to prop her up so Ava could see her nurse while she was busy with the other patient. The girls and I came in again today for a little bit and Ava couldn't stop smiling. It is so hard for ALL of us to leave her. Even Alexandra and Ariana don't like leaving her. We kept peeking around the corner when we left to see if Ava was still looking for us... And she was. We miss our baby when we aren't around her, and her sisters especially miss her.
Ava weighs 7.56 kg = 16.67 pounds and is 66.5 cm = 26.18" (not the 75 cm from the other day).
Thanking God for Ava's peace and praying for her to come home by the end of the month...
Ava weighs 7.56 kg = 16.67 pounds and is 66.5 cm = 26.18" (not the 75 cm from the other day).
Thanking God for Ava's peace and praying for her to come home by the end of the month...
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Day 402
Ava slept all night and was awake around 7am. Her blood gas was 60. She had a wonderful day and her one primary nurse was back from vacation. They have dogs come to visit the hospital some times and a dog came over and licked Ava on the foot and I guess she looked very surprised and was looking at the dog like it was odd.
Allergy and immunology wants to speak with me tomorrow. I am wondering if it is about her immunoglobins she gets. It could possibly be because she was supposed to get a shot (to not get RSV) today, but I don't believe she did.
Thanking God for Ava's strength and praying that she is protected from any illness or infection...
Allergy and immunology wants to speak with me tomorrow. I am wondering if it is about her immunoglobins she gets. It could possibly be because she was supposed to get a shot (to not get RSV) today, but I don't believe she did.
Thanking God for Ava's strength and praying that she is protected from any illness or infection...
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Day 401
Ava's gas was 47 this morning. She did great overnight. AND she is back on the home vent! Praise the lord! Her gas even came back as 52 and she was so happy today. She was breathing great and her saturations were great especially being at 30% O2. When I came in she gave me the biggest smile and got so excited to see me. Seeing her makes me so giddy. Grandma and the girls got to come in too and Ava couldn't stop smiling at all of them. Ariana sang to Ava and she smiled the whole time with her big toothy grin and cheeks so big.
Her "G" tube from her tummy was clamped while I held her and also for two hours today and she did great. No crying or cramping. Thank God for that as well.
Thanking God for Ava's happiness and praying for continued peace and protection for Ava and our family...
Thanking God for Ava's happiness and praying for continued peace and protection for Ava and our family...
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