Sunday, March 13, 2011

Day 413 - Ava's New Slideshow!

Ava had an ok night with Anthony. She was up off and on with having gas. Nothing to terrible, she was moving her legs up and down so we had no real idea if she was really desatting. She did have a change of color when she was bearing down from the gas. But he got through the night wonderfully and he is really excited because he knows she will do great at home. She was up around 6 am but went back to sleep until about noon.

She had an awesome day and she is even clapping her feet together and still shaking those balloons from a couple of days ago. I think she gives people so much joy seeing her so active.

Here's a link for Ava's new slideshow that I have made that incorporates her most recent pics. The photos of the women in the middle are some of Ava's primary nurses, who have been so integral for her growth and development. Thank you ladies for loving Ava up all the time!

Thanking God for how far Ava has come and praying for her to go farther than we can even imagine (but God can)... God, let Ava shock and awe everyone (in a good way)...

1 comment:

  1. Great slideshow! :) Ava will love that someday.
