Ava had a great night but did spit up in the morning and once in the afternoon. Her temp was a bit higher than norm. Not much, but just a little and she was a little upset this morning. I am really hoping nothing is wrong. But it was something Anthony and I handled. She need to be suctioned a couple of times and bagged but she was fine and we took care of it. She seemed to have some gas pains, but she didn't desat into the 70s, we just gave her some Mylicon.
We met with two of her nurses today and they seemed to be great. They are excited to work with us and we are so excited to have gotten this far. Both of the nurses wanted 5 days a week with Ava. We are meeting with Ava's night nurse on Monday and will also be getting Ava's O2 tanks. Tuesday we will having training with the O2. We also received Ava's respiratory supplies today and won't be getting her feeding supplies until the day before or the day she goes home.
In other news, I got my annual cold that I get around my birthday, and Alexandra and Ariana got a cold as well. No matter how much hand sanitizer we use, we always seem to get something, although we have not been sick for months. Nothing too bad, just sore throat, runny nose and slight cough. I'm not looking forward to having sickness in the house when Ava is home and dealing with keeping her away from it. But God protects...
Thanking God for protecting Ava and praying that we can get her home on the 5th...
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