Ava's gas was 60 today and that was taken from a heel stick not from her PIC line in her arm. They drew her blood and gave her meds through that line. She lost that today so they need to put a new one in on Monday. They told me it would hopefully last until she leaves.
They decided to put her back on the home vent around 1pm this afternoon. She was doing pretty well and was sleeping. They tried to get a blood gas from her PIC line and that's when they figured out it wasn't working. They tried to draw blood from her heel which they couldn't get very well and she was crying. Eventually they got some, sent it off to the lab, and they found out it was clotted. They are going to get another gas in a bit.
I breastfed her again once today. She did really well and latched on for a bit and ate. Before that I squirted some of my milk from a syringe in her mouth and it must have been too much so I got all nervous that she aspirated. I called and called for someone to come into the room, but nobody did. Eventually I got her calm down and she did eat a little. She eventually stopped but she did really good. It was at least a couple minutes and her saturations didn't go down at all. When the nurse finally did come in, I asked her if she thought she aspirated and she listened to her chest and she didn't hear any fluid in her lungs.
Ava's one doctor mentioned that when Ava's close to coming home, that they may want us to stay in the hospital for 24 hours to 48 hours to fully take care of Ava ourselves. She also told me that we will have monthly doctor appointments for each of the doctors that need to see Ava.
Thanks to Nancy for this "little angel" outfit. This is the one I fell in love with at Target.
Praying for Ava's health and for the home vent to work on Ava's lungs...
She looks good in pink !!! - Nancy R.