Ava's blood gas was still high this morning, but then they found some vent settings that helped her. Then her blood gas was 62 and it even went down to 52! She is on 55% O2, 38 breaths per minute and a pressure support of 28 with a peep of 5. She still is pretty upset throughout the day.
I am working on a slideshow of Ava for the prayer vigil on next Sunday, August 29th at 6pm at Knox Church on Elmwood Ave in Kenmore, NY. We hope to see you there!
Praying for Ava to have peace and to come home and spend her life with us...
30 weeks! Wow Ann you are so faithful and what a wonderful work you are doing with this blog. I hope you are feeling better and that you and Tony are able to celebrate when he returns. Love, Maureen