After the crazy night before, my ladies awoke very early. We waited for Anthony to come home and after getting the girls already, Anthony came home about 10am. The nurse told us to pack a bag and that we would probably stay the night in their suite. So we packed up, and dropped the kids off at my parents.

We got the opportunity to hold Ava a bit in our hands and also to put some cream on her body and head. She really loved it and her stats were doing very well when we would talk to her and hold her. In fact, that morning her eyes opened up. We are praying that she can see good! We were able to go home and sleep, so that was wonderful as well.
So, today was a pretty good day and they were able to give her food and wean down her O2 a bit along with her settings. We have no idea what will happen, but we are praising God that she is here every day and also praying for a miracle.
That is so amazing! We are believing in God for a miracle for Ava! The picture is so great of you guys and Ava!