Monday, February 15, 2010

Day 22

Ava had a pretty good day today. She is up to 4.5cc of food. She did have a rollercoaster of a morning. Up in her settings, down in her settings, a good gas result, a bad gas result. The doctor doesn't think the hole in her heart (it's called a PDA) has reopened. So that is good. They sedated her last night, but not today. She has been pretty relaxful. We came in late this afternoon and I was able to give her some lotion again for her dry skin. The nurse that we have on most days is so wonderful. She always lets me take care of her. I am even able to change her diaper. I told the nurse today that she's starting to get a booty. She laughed and said "What booty?". But there definitely was something there, that wasn't there before. The nurse also said that she would not stay on her back. She put her there for 45 minutes until Ava won, and the nurse put her back on her stomach. She's on 65% O2, down from 80%. Her saturation of O2 ranges from 70's to low 90s. They don't like that, but they say that's what such young preemies do.

Anthony and I thought we were starting to get sick tonight. I was concerned that I got too close to Ava and that she would get sick... Oh, all these worries. But I am feeling better now. Hopefully we stay healthy.

She looked bigger and her skin looked a beautiful color tonight. I can only imagine how beautiful she will look when we get her home.

1 comment:

  1. Every little bit of progress is a jewel. It will take more ups and downs, but she will continue to grow and get stronger. Beautiful? She'll be absolutely stunning when you bring her home! All the best to you.
