Unbelievably, all of Ava's stats have gotten better. Her oxygen level that she is getting from her oscillator are getting better. She is eating 1.5cc of my milk every 3 hours. Her nurse that was in the meeting with us on Thursday told us that she is going to ask to be kept with Ava and she is working on getting the same nurses for her. She also told us how impressed with us she is from that meeting and what perfect parents we are for Ava. She told us that she even told our doctor that. That made us feel really good, because at that meeting they really looked at us like we're strange and/or crazy. She said she can even tell what a great relationship Anthony and I have (and we do... thankgoodness God answered that prayer almost 10 years ago). The doctor came in and said a few things to us like things were going better and he smiled a bit. He said that we are going to increase her food intake while keeping her on the oscillator and hopefully she won't get a kidney infection or any type of infection that would be mortal. He also said he's glad when he only has to spend a few minutes by her incubator. Than that would be a good day for Ava. I told him that I am calling her "Amazing Ava". He left and our nurse told us that he is really happy but he just doesn't want to show it in case something goes wrong.
Our nurse let us touch her again and I put cream on her back, head and hands. Ava melts when I do this and falls completely asleep. She even holds my finger. We also cup our hands over her head and bottom to make her feel like she is still in my womb and her stats go up where they need to be. I sing to her and talk to her. She opens her mouth like she is trying to talk back when I tell her that I want to take her shopping with her sisters and go to H&M. I think she agrees. ;)
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