Ava is 4 weeks old today - Praise God! She is up to 11ml of food, and is at 12ml of food at 9:30pm tonight. She also weighs 1 lb. 10oz. again. Her head went from 22cm to 23cm and her length is now 12.5, up from 11.5 inches at birth. Her saturation of O2 is not making the alarm go off that much. Her CO2 levels were at 36 this morning which means they turned down her amplitude (the pressure that the oscillator gives off on her lungs) to 23. Her CO2 was up to 66 tonight but they kept the settings the same with hopes she can make this jump.
The nurse told me that the doctor that comes in on Wednesday does not like using steroids. So if we make it to Wednesday without the steroids, then that doctor may not put her on them at all unless they are desperate and we can't get her off the oscillator. I didn't know that she can continue to grow off of that machine, I figured that she should be off of it by now. The nurse said that they just wait sometimes for kids to grow their lungs and get off of it. Either way, we have options and she's sustaining her life. Once she gets to her full feeds of 15ml, they will increase her calories. Sometimes that can affect their feeding and they can spit up their food, but hopefully with "amazing Ava" that won't be the problem.
Tomorrow is another big day with the brain sonogram. We should know how it was around 4pm. Keep prayin' and God will keep providin'.
Happy birthday baby!!!