Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Day 436 - And God fulfilled his promise to me today...

We brought our Angel Baby home at 11:30 am today. We got there at 9 am and after a minor issue with her one med we were on our way after 10. She was fine the whole ride home (45 minutes) and she fell asleep by the time we got home. She seems to be very happy. We tired her out and gave her a bath and put her to bed. She had some gas pains but we were able to handle it. The next thing to do is figure out her tummy situation and whether or not she can handle her tummy not being vented part of the day or just at night.

Thanks to one of Ava's primary day nurses who rode with us to and from the hospital. It made me feel a bit more confident. Here's what she wrote today and it just melts my heart:
"It is a huge huge day in the life of a little one that God has blessed my life with. She and her family have taught me more about faith, strength and endurance than they will ever know... Good luck little one, I know you will thrive surrounded by those who love you... I know it's not good bye, but I really am going to miss you. :)"

Ava's nurses that have loved her up at Sister's and Children's and the NICU and PICU - You know who you are. You have meant the world to Ava and to us. May God bless you all and thank you for all you have done for us. And also to Ava's doctors at Children's, who haven't given up and have the confidence in us to take her home, thank you. To our family, especially my wonderful parents who have babysat our love children for probably 400 of those days, and our friends who have listened to us, brought us food, gifts, babysat, called, cleaned our house, prayed and more; thank you. You all mean the world to us. You have all gotten your answers to your prayers. Keep praying that she can get off the vent and then we will celebrate again.

Thanking God for letting Ava come home and praying that she no longer needs a ventilator and her tummy is healed...


  1. WOOOOOOOHHHHOOOOOOO!!! So excited for you all. Seeing Ava in the stroller was awesome(yesterday). Keep up the good work, sister. I am so happy for Ava to see the world, her world... to have taken a ride in her car seat, a bath in her own home and slept in her bed and to see her HOME. PRAISE GOD, PRAISE GOD!
    Love you, friends,
    Krista ;-)

  2. So Happy for you guys....God is so great! Still praying for wisdom and healing for you and Ava.
    Love, Meagan

  3. YeeeHaaa !

    One Day At A Time !

    One Prayer At A time !

    This Little Lamb Is Being Watched Over !

    Still Checking In Every Day,

    God Bless, Cousin Dave and Jeff.

