I kept hearing alarms during the night so I thought Ava might be having a rough night, but I was pleasantly surprised to find her still asleep this morning. The nurse had only bagged her twice and she seemed more peaceful. She woke up and we put her in her bouncy chair, which she loved. She did spit up after I gave her the Prevacid in her "G", but she didn't desat and she was still happy. After getting ready I came in and she was still tired so I rocked her to sleep (love it!). I was thinking the gas pains had stopped and I called the doctor to tell him so. I also spoke to him about changing her feed and about the GJ possibly not letting all of her gastric juices through the

intestine.We were very happy about how she was doing but I still wanted to see if the feeds could be the reason for the spit up or the GJ was. I do want to change the GJ to a G for not only to help her eat normally but to also not be afraid again that it has become detached. We figured we will see how the feeds might work next week. But then as soon as I thought things were better, she got very upset and was in terrible pain with cramps again. I hadn't bagged her since 8 am and only the 2 times the night before. I called the doctors office back and the doctor I spoke to was already gone, so I left a message with another doctor. We talked about Ava's condition and he allowed us to see how she does on Pediasure (without the 30 cal). She still had gas but while her feeds were off and she had breast milk, Ava was such a joy to be with. We played, got her grabbing for toys and just being silly. She sat with us for lunch and munched on grapefruit for lunch from her feed bag. She didn't gag either. I gave her one of those toddler fruit puffs and she put it in her mouth and chewed a bit.She did gag a little on that but we stopped and she looked so tired after wards. She took a long nap but did wake up with gas pains and her G was vented. We gave her a bath and put her in bed and she was so tired from a great day with the family. She didn't spit up the rest of the day, even when she had Prevacid in her G.
Besides Ariana kissing Ava on the mouth and I having a heart attack fearful that she could give Ava something, it was the greatest day in a long time. Right now she is sleeping more soundly than any of the other prior days. This day was exactly (minus the gas pains) what I hoped Ava being home would be like. Praise God!
Thanking God for our family time and praying that we can grow Ava into the child that God wants her to be...
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