Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Day 437

Today was a very interesting day. Ava spit up about 8 times today. At one point it looked like her food was coming out of her tummy and it's going into her intestines. She had a few moments where she was really mad and we had to keep bagging her. We thought it was her tummy but we had her vented and she stooled about 4 times today. We also suctioned and bagged. I finally got her calmed down and she fell asleep. It has been a pretty long day and we don't have nursing until 11 pm tonight. Hopefully we can get a little bit of sleep. I am sure it will get easier after Ava, ourselves and the nurses are adjusted. It should be interesting when we don't have any nursing on Saturday and Sunday during the day.

I have a cough and I really hope that I'm not getting sick again. Today was my birthday and what a gift it was to see Ava lying in her crib.

Thanking God for Ava being home and praying that it will get much easier...


  1. What a beautiful present God gave to you on your Birthday. May God continue to watch over his little children. I heard he just loves little children. - Nancy R.

  2. It is going to be a big adjustment for you all, as I know from experience. Ava must wonder what is going on and why is everything different. Hang in there Ann, I know you can do it. It made me smile all day knowing she is home at last.

  3. Happy Birthday Ann! Praying for you. Lots of love.

  4. Happy Birthday Ann!! I, like Beth, have been so happy thinking about your blessing of Ava and having her home with you. What a great gift. It is for sure an adjustment for you and her being in a new place but she certainly feels the love that you so obviously have for her. Hang in there and know that there are many people praying for you and your family. -Jen
