Saturday, April 10, 2010

Day 76 - 35 weeks

Ava's CO2 blood gas was 76 again this morning at 6am. Since it stayed the same, they didn't make any changes. They actually didn't make any changes all day.

I got to hold her for about an hour and a half today. I still can't hear out of my right ear, but they didn't seem to think I would get her sick. I wore a mask and a gown again to make sure. Praying that she doesn't get sick. Her cheeks actually were smaller because she lost so much fluid. They also said her groin area looked not as puffy.

The doctors are still concerned about her high blood gasses, but if they stay the same or decrease they will keep her on the CPAP. They are also very concerned about her eyes. But they are pleased that she has been on the CPAP for a week. Her O2 ranged from 57-60% today.

Ava weighs 4 lbs. 1.25oz. She lost again because of her excess fluid. Hopefully that will help her lungs.

Praying that Ava's CO2 goes down, she's healthy and the abnormal cells in her eyes go away...

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