Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Day 93 - Eyes are better!

Ava's gas was 47 this morning. She is still on 85% O2. They put her down to 80% tonight. Her rate is 40.

The eye doctor came in tonight and Ava's eyes are better. Thank you God! They will check her next week again but they are getting progressively better.

Her IV came out tonight by accident, my poor honey! But she is so strong. Her infection was not in her blood, just her trach, so that is really good. Ava weighs 5 lbs. 6 oz.

Praying for her lungs to grow and she can breath without help of any machine...


  1. Thats good news about her eyes. See Prayers are working- Thank God..- Nancy R.

  2. Another prayer answered more on the way. Glad to hear you had some good news tonight! Jackey

  3. God is working a healing and a growth, Ann. I know it's sometimes hard to watch, but what a miracle up-close. You have shown such unwavering faith. Praying for those lungs...Maureen
