Ava's gas was 53 this morning and 43 this evening. They are decreasing her rate on the vent every day. She was sleeping pretty well most of the day. She is on 80% O2 and satting in the 80s and 90s. She is on 47 ml of food. She only needed insulin once today because of the steroids.
Ava now weighs 5lbs 4 oz - she lost some weight because she was bloated and they put her on laziks. She is 39 cm long - 15.35", and her head is 30.5cm - 12".
Tomorrow is her eye exam, so please pray for good results.
Looking forward to the day that God sends Ava home to us in our arms and praying for a good eye exam tomorrow.
Keeping you all in my daily prayers! Grow, Ava, Grow!