Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Day 94 - Oxygen is going down...

Ava's gas was 49 this morning. Her O2 was also down to 65% this afternoon. If they can get her O2 down they may put her back on the CPAP. She also has not needed any insulin today. She has been pretty angry lately due to the steroids - "roid rage", but they gave her a bit of a sedative to help her.

Alexandra has a bit of a runny nose, so I am concerned that I or the rest of the family may get sick. So, I am praying that Ali can get better and we all stay healthy.

Ava weighs 5 lbs. 7.25 oz.

Praying for her lungs to permanently be healthy and strong and that she can live longer than us all...

1 comment:

  1. Hope things keep going Ava's way. Lots of good news as of late, which is so great. Enjoy some tall glasses of OJ with the girls on the couch and hope everyone stays healthy! ~ Maureen
