Ava didn't sleep well last night so her morning nurse (who we love) got the doctors to change her formula to one without fiber. She also turned off her feed and it seemed to calm her, so then they changed it. They put her back on the home vent and she was breathing fast when she was awake in the 60s-80s. When she slept she would be breathing normal in the teens to 20s. Later in the day, they changed her feed to one that is partially broken down. We think she has a lot of gas and that is what is causing her problems. Please pray that her tummy can get stronger, the gas pains go away and she no longer has acid reflux. She also has quite a bit of irritation around her GJ site (where she gets her food through). That is probably bothering her as well.
I was able to hold her tonight and she fell asleep in my lap and I was able to put her to bed without waking up. (I did do it, Brooke ;) )
Thanking God for Ava's strength and praying that Ava's tummy and body would be healed...
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