Friday, January 14, 2011

Day 355 - 10 Days Until Ava's First Birthday!

Ava had a great night and day again. Her gas was 51 since they gave her 18 breaths per minute (up from her 10 bpm before). We got the call today for a discharge planning meeting next week since there are quite a few things we need to get done before she gets home. For example, getting a handicap parking pass, notifying gas and electric and fire departments. She got in her car seat for the first time today and loved it! She slept in it for a couple of hours. We also met with the Lung Center respiratory specialist today who taught us more about the vent. She told us that Ava will tell us when she is ready to come home but I did hear rumors of 4-6 weeks. The head Lung Center respiratory therapist also told us that she loves Ava and that Ava is so smart, it's hysterical! Ava was moving her mouth to the Sesame Street characters sing-a-long while they were singing, and when they would talk, she would stop.

Ava weighs 7.31 kg =  16.12 pounds. She is actually 65 cm, not 75 cm =  25.6".

Tomorrow night I will stay with Ava overnight and see how she is through the night. I do feel confident that I can take care of Ava. It will be hard but God has given us the strength to get through what we have, and he will continue to give us the strength when we have Ava home. There is no other alternative but to have our baby home in the place where she belongs. Please pray that Ava does not continue to have snit fits or turn purple.

Thanking God for Ava and praying that Ava has peace and our family has strength...

1 comment:

  1. YES !!! Ava is getting closer and closer to going home !!!
