Friday, March 26, 2010

Day 61 - Holding Ava again

Ava had a fabulous day today. I got to hold her again because they put her on the conventional ventillator. It was heavenly. I think I was more excited this time around.

Ava was moved to the conventional vent this morning, but her gasses have been not perfect. They should be in the 40s and 50s but they were in the 70s at 6am and noon, 69 at 3pm, and 64 at 6pm. Hopefully at midnight it will be in the 40s. She fell asleep on my chest. I really love every minute of holding my 3lb baby.

She has been satting in the 90s (the amount of oxygen in her blood), and her breaths per minute on the vent was 60 (which is the maximum setting). Her O2 was set at 40%. They put her on the CPAP (which is the next step from the conventional vent) and she turned blue, so she wasn't ready for that. She could be in a week or so.

She has at least one week of steroids left and they are keeping her on the same dose because her sugar has been good. They haven't needed to give her insulin in a bit. I hadn't heard about her liver enzymes so they must be fine. She is on 28 ml of food.

Her gas was 57 at midnight. The nurse forgot to write down her weight on the other incubator since the switch her to a new clean incubator tonight, but she thinks she is at 3lbs. 5oz. Love it!

Praying for her lungs to grown and everything inside her to be as perfect as she looks...

1 comment:

  1. We check in every day to see this miracle unfold and say a prayer for Avas strong, heathy, development and a prayer for her parents to stay strong and uplifted on days when things get a little tough !
