Ava's gas was 52 this morning so they put her down to 40 bpm. She was down to 65% O2 today, but they needed to up it again so it was around 72%. I actually saw her "sat" at 100% today when I came in. I was patting her on her back and talking to her about her sister's and clothes while she was wide awake. She acted like she understood, and was at 100% saturation for a bit. It was amazing.
I held her for an hour and then they put her back in her bed, and I left. I called later to find out that they had to give her barbazal (or something like that - a sedative) because she was so upset and restless. The nurses felt that she was upset because I had left. That makes me feel sad that I can't be there for her. I really enjoyed being there with her, but with two other kids, I just can't. I already was there for almost 3 hours.
Tomorrow is the big move which will likely happen in the afternoon. Pray for a successful and unstressful trip. Hopefully the docs at Children's can find something that will make Ava better. She isn't that high on her settings to go on a CPAP so hopefully that can happen soon.
Check back on yesterday's entry to see what happened with a bomb threat at Sister's.
Praying for a helpful day and for Ava to be protected and safe...
Ann, you are doing such a great job being there for all three of your children. It is a great balancing challenge and you are doing it gracefully. ~Maureen