Friday, May 14, 2010

Day 110- Due date

Today is Ava's due date. I feel like now every day that she is here, I am missing out on so much of her life being in the hospital.

Ava's gas was 65 this morning and 68 this evening. They didn't change any vent settings, but changed her Nitric Oxide to 10. She is on 45% O2 currently.

I was able to finally hold Ava again tonight. We were also told that they haven't been talking about the trach in two days. That's good news. They are hoping to get her off the vent soon if Ava will let them.

Praying for Ava to get home soon and without a trach...

1 comment:

  1. Ann, I can only imagine today is a bitter-sweet milestone for you and your family. I am praying you will be able to get to hold her more frequently. Your patience throughout this process is amazing. ~ Maureen
