Ava did extubate herself again last night and was on 100% O2 after having such an awesome day. She was on 100% O2 again, but did manage to get down to 60% during the morning. The day nurse who seemed to barely even look at Ava, pumped her up to 90% today, and she did get down to 80%.
The nurse tonight never knew Ava and I think she was nervous getting her because of the different bar they use to put the tube in her mouth. We are getting frustrated and just wish she could come home. She will have a scope down her throat and into her lungs on Wednesday. Not sure what time yet, but pray that nothing in her gets damaged because of it. I fully believe they won't find anything, but we are hoping that she will come home whether or not she is on a trach.
Ava weighs 7 lbs. 4 oz. She is 44 cm long - 17.32", and her head is 33.5 cm - 13.19".
Praying for Ava's healing...
I'll be praying for a smooth test and great results. I hope the nursing team can quickly get more comfortable with Ava. Love you and think of you often, Love, Maureen